Our Map
Zur Vergrößerung bitte auf den Plan klicken:
Important informations for our guests:
- From 13.00 h - 15.00 h and 22.00 h - 6.30 h driving is prohibited.
- From 13.00 h - 15.00 h we do not accept registrations.
- You need to pay when you Check-In
- Check-Out for Vacacionistplaces is until 12.00 h and for Rentalcaravans until 10.00 h.
- Driving is only allowed at a walking pace.
- The stateregulations of Schleswig-Holstein and our own apply.
- We offer a Restroom for guests with disabilitys.
- Foils on the lawn are prohibited.
- Dogs are prohibited.
- Please let your Caravans face the sea with your drawbar or the rear in the first 3 rows.